Just Because

Trying to put a few words together on very little sleep…

Archive for the ‘Resolutions 2009’ Category


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I told myself I would make no resolutions until after my father passed away. I knew that the week I would be gone would be disastrous for anything I would try to do.

But now the time of resolutions has come. I’m making resolutions this year because I feel like I have stopped caring about many things. I have become lazy about myself and my life and I owe myself more than that.

Because I’ve read that it takes 30 days to form a new habit, I will only work on one resolution a month (or per 30 day period starting on or around the 18th of each month as I am a little late at this whole resolution/habit thing this year).

Part of being successful with a new habit is telling others your intention. So here is this month’s intention:

Exercise at least 10 minutes a day, every day. I’ll tell you how that goes.

Written by justbecause81

January 17, 2009 at 10:27 am

Posted in Resolutions 2009