Just Because

Trying to put a few words together on very little sleep…

Spiritual Direction

with 4 comments

I would have graduated from seminary this year – had I not gotten divorced. I would have graduated next year if I had not gotten pregnant. I’m responsible for my own actions so I’m not sad that I’m not a pastor right this moment and that I probably never will be a pastor. I’m actually quite ok with all of that. I just know that being in seminary and wanting to be a pastor kept me accountable to my spirituality. I let myself go when I stop paying attention, where there isn’t anybody there to remind me.

One of my problems, which I might have mentioned before, is my need to perfect everything that I do. So if I plan on praying, then I need to be a perfect prayer. Of course, that is not going to happen. No one prays “perfectly”. There really isn’t any need to. But I want to pray perfectly.

So I don’t pray because it cannot be perfect. And I feel the distance between God and me and my consciousness and the world around me.

I’m also one of those people that need to fix whatever is wrong. So I called the senior priest at my church wanting to find somebody to talk to. When I had been in seminary I had a spiritual director and she was wonderful though this time I was determined to find somebody who would teach me to pray perfectly. Because I felt an immediate need to speak to someone I agreed to meet with him thinking he was not a viable option as a permanent spiritual director. And really, I didn’t think a man would do.

Maybe it will work out though. The conversation we had was wonderful. However, I don’t think he will teach me to pray perfectly. But that’s ok because I don’t think that is ever the point, regardless of what I keep thinking I want. Maybe it might not still work out depending on how our conversation goes regarding what I think about God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. But for now, Fr. B seems like a nice, old guy that challenges me and makes me a bit uncomfortable with his piercing questions and honest opinions. And after that meeting I felt peaceful. Maybe I’m finally accepting the path that I am on. We’ll see.

Written by justbecause81

July 8, 2008 at 9:06 pm

Posted in Daily life, prayer, Religion

4 Responses

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  1. I have no idea what any of this means? Are you asking for some type of beverage?


    July 9, 2008 at 3:35 pm

  2. That actually wasn’t very funny.


    July 9, 2008 at 9:28 pm

  3. And who the hell are you? Oh! It’s you. Probably shoulda highlighted the name before I typed that but am now too lazy to erase it. Sorry if I offended thee, but this one was so “inside” that it literally made no sense to me. I felt like I was a seminary student reading a trade journal except I never attended class and spent all my time baggin’ would-be nuns so when it came time to actually take a test, I was all like, “Wait. Which one was Jesus again?”


    July 12, 2008 at 10:56 am

  4. I’m not sure what “praying perfectly” is. I’m not a very religious person but one thing I always thought was there really is no perfect way to pray. Doesn’t God listen to everyone?

    I guess I have no right to even comment on this subject as I’m not a big fan of praying mostly because I don’t have much faith in the almighty these days….


    July 14, 2008 at 6:33 am

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